Mar 7, 2023Liked by Ellen Livingston

I am fairly new to raw veganism and I find your writing inspiring and uplifting. thank you!

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You're welcome, and thanks for sharing!

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Ellen Livingston

I always feel less lonely when reading these posts. Ellen is indeed a light in a darkened world, speaking her perspective clearly, thoughtfully, and heartfully. Her voice is among those supporting human consciousness to evolve to the next level. My whole being thanks you, Ellen, for being who you are and having the courage to share it so openly. Even if I didn't agree with any of your views about raw food and covid (though I do), your discussion about moving into a new level of freedom and the focus on the inherent goodness and wisdom of human beings will help these qualities to come to the fore more readily.

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Thank you Ruth. Truth shines pure! Love to you, soul sister.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Ellen Livingston

Once again..... very well shared and written. :-)

I'm at this moment dealing with groupthink in the medical world. I took a nasty ice-covered stair fall, and am at my two week anniversary of dealing with intense pain in my left leg due to the complexity of dealing with a health care system that demands that we start at square one every time we cross a state line (which is happening right now due to a complicated move). My first urgent care doc was able to see me and ordered a CT scan, but the first available appointment was after I had to move out of state. She did give me an 'order' for the scan, but in the new state her order wasn't accepted. I am required to see a new primary care doctor in this state because they obviously don't trust the doctors from Colorado. So that appointment is made, for the new primary care doc..... but the first available CT scan is after I need to be on the move again! So I'll travel across the country and once again have to nail down a THIRD primary care doctor, get another initial exam, and then Maybe I'll finally find out what the root of my intense pain and tortured ability to walk is all about. Pure silliness!!!! Another example of what Ellen speaks of..... society making rules which inhibit our ability to make our own choices around our self care. :-(

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